Azuma Codes – Mediavuk – the media consultants

After more than 10 years we have decided to go new ways. Nevertheless, we leave this website active simply for us and our customer as a reminder. From now on we are Base4and want to climb new peaks with you.
Life is exciting.

Azuma Codes

»Our only one simple desire: create designful and simple solutions that make a difference in people’s lives.«
-azuma team-

  • Logo design
  • WEBSITE design
May 2015
Logo Design

With a focus on simplicity and authenticity, this logo shows the personality of Azuma  and instantly conveys what the company does at a glance.

September 2015
Website design

Great design is always easy to recognize. Recent projects that catches your eye and naturally intuitive interface is something that represent aim of Azuma – to create designful and simple solutions that make a difference in people’s lives.

October 2015
Programming Responsive Website

Static HTML / CSS page fits all sizes of smart devices. Very clean and simple design allows users to easily navigate.