My School – Mediavuk – the media consultants

After more than 10 years we have decided to go new ways. Nevertheless, we leave this website active simply for us and our customer as a reminder. From now on we are Base4and want to climb new peaks with you.
Life is exciting.

My School

My school was founded in September 1999. The goal is set to a high but reachable list: their participants should love, understand and speak a foreign language; They maintain a high level of teaching and organize interesting lessons to create a friendly atmosphere with the absolute commitment of the professor to all students equally.

  • Logo Redesign
  • Website Design
  • Programming
August 2017
Logo redesign

Fresh, new look for the logo of My school came from creative minds of our team.  Selection of colors and shape was easy to make when you know how you want something to be presented.

October 2017
Programming Responsive Website

High-quality programmed and designed, website secure the best experience on every device. Easy to maintain and search for necessary information thru the whole website.