Enexion Go Green – Mediavuk – the media consultants

After more than 10 years we have decided to go new ways. Nevertheless, we leave this website active simply for us and our customer as a reminder. From now on we are Base4and want to climb new peaks with you.
Life is exciting.

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Enexion Go Green

Enexion Go Green presents a new service and strategy of the Enexion Group. It is based on the development of effective climate protection measures and their implementation from a single source. This gives priority to sustainability and the highest degree of nature protection.

  • Logo design
  • Icons
  • Roll-up design
  • Illustration
February 2020
Logo design

The Smart Greening logo was modeled on the logo of its parent company Enexion Group. The elements of the brand in the form of typography and colors are refreshed with green, which gives a strong contrast.

March 2020
Icons design

Icons made for the presentation indicate the importance of green energy and renewable sources. They are adorned with a contrast in color as well as on the logo.

Marzh 2020
Roll-Up Banner

Roll up banner design is showing the main features of the Enexion GoGreen service:
minimizing of CO₂ footprint, less cost, less risks and more sustainability.

April 2020

The “green space for action” is spanned by three questions: time horizon, proportion and quality

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