Inko-versand – Mediavuk – the media consultants

After more than 10 years we have decided to go new ways. Nevertheless, we leave this website active simply for us and our customer as a reminder. From now on we are Base4and want to climb new peaks with you.
Life is exciting.


Inko-versand is Germany’s online shop of products for incontinence and many other items older adults need. Instead of few, this online shop offers you wide specter of products-from care needs to food products. What is the most important for the clients while shopping, your security, and privacy are guaranteed. After all, it’s a member of Pavlovic group, that is well established on the global stage of improving customer experience strategy.

  • Branding
  • Website Design
  • Blog Design
  • Business Card Design
  • Facebook Cover
March 2018
Logo redesign

As our commitment is to care about the oldest members in society and to respect them, the logo for inko-versand we made is the result of the same thoughts. Fresh, clean and bright colors are the foundation of the logo.

March 2018
Business cards

Known as the „easiest way to make a memorable first impression on client“ business cards for inko-versand are designed to contain just enough information for clients.

June 2018
Programming Responsive Website

Just like the slogan says: „German shop for care of people“, inko-versand have made a commitment to specific needs that adults have. Their mission is to take care of older adults and help them live careless their golden age. The highlight of the web design is on fact that this online shop can easily use even the oldest ones. You can make an order from your PC, mobile, tablet or any other device at any time!

March – May 2018
Facebook covers

Join inko-versand on Facebook and you’ll become a part of the community from where you can keep up with the best selling products, discounts, etc.