February 2018 – Mediavuk – the media consultants

After more than 10 years we have decided to go new ways. Nevertheless, we leave this website active simply for us and our customer as a reminder. From now on we are Base4and want to climb new peaks with you.
Life is exciting.

Month: February 2018

  • 27.02.18

    Advantages/Disadvantages of being/hiring a freelancer

    One of the best ways today to earn money online is freelancing. Work is based on skills, knowledge, and experience of a freelancer.

  • 11.02.18

    Discovering trends in social media for 2018.

    Trends have already been set up, so this topic has a goal to dive into what you should pay attention for during 2018.

    If we know that time on social media platforms will only increase, then be aware of the necessity of improving your online presence and don’t underestimate your possibilities.