One of the best ways today to earn money online is freelancing. Work is based on skills, knowledge, and experience of a freelancer.
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Advantages/Disadvantages of being/hiring a freelancer
11.02.18Discovering trends in social media for 2018.
Trends have already been set up, so this topic has a goal to dive into what you should pay attention for during 2018.
If we know that time on social media platforms will only increase, then be aware of the necessity of improving your online presence and don’t underestimate your possibilities.
10.01.188 SEO T&T About Organic Traffic
I’m sure you’ve heard that organic traffic is not such an easy thing to build, but be aware that at the same time, it is more than good investment in time and effort you can make.
There are at least two reasons why search engine traffic is great- it’s relevant and targeted. Majority of websites that have organic traffic, convert it better than traffic came from other sources like social media. Another benefit is consistency in visits from a search engine.
22.12.17An App or a Responsive Website- that is the question!
Here on start, I’ll reveal the point:
Getting high-quality of UX on every device and getting found in search results can be reached, often, by responsive websites and not so much with an app.
If you want an explanation of claims, stay on.