Stefan’s advice for getting through the internship at Mediavuk – Mediavuk – the media consultants

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Stefan’s advice for getting through the internship at Mediavuk

Jelena Petkovic by Jelena Petkovic August 14, 2018

Stefan, known as „hungry for more WordPress, more PHP“, has been a member of the Mediavuk team for 3 months. He came to us after seeing a post similar to this one you’re reading right now. The difference is, he didn’t have the advice you have in front of you. So, his mission is to help you to decide is it worth joining or not.

Advice #1

Be open-minded and the world of PHP will be open for you.

„Be aware of the fact that you’ll be a part of the successful team that made it through a lot of big projects, so their knowledge is huge and they are ready to share it with everyone who wants to learn and spread experience.“

Warning! This is his full confession about the last 3 months spent in the office. We tried very hard to get him on the light ice and tell us something that he would change in Mediavuk, but he refused to do it. He said: „There is no such a thing, I’m sorry guys!“

Advice #2

Be the initiator of your development!

„Maybe this sounds awkward to you, but we in Mediavuk like to let every member take their careers in their hands and the rest of the team will help to make it happen. Even to me it was strange to hear, that no one will push you in the way you think it’s wrong, or made you do it in strict order. What I appreciate most is the „philosophy“ Mediavuk is nourishing – Do what you like and what inspires you to explore further and beyond the borders of your current knowledge.“

Advice #3

Diversifying work can only spread out your creativity!

„I’ve become a part of a team that believes in creative souls. Besides that, the team of Mediavuk believes in multitasking. At first, I thought, it might be a problem for me as a starter, but you know what?- it wasn’t at all. Even if you can’t deal with several things going on at the same time, you can lean on your co-workers. What I’ve liked the most is that the atmosphere and spirit. Mediavuk team is looking forward to every new project and see it as a new connection between us. Unlikely, comparing to my previous job, all I hoped and looked for founded me here in Mediavuk. Feelin’ lucky to be here, honestly.“

"Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it.“ Steve Jobs

Advice #4

Use your acquired skills to gain new!

„When I came here, to Mediavuk, and fit in, I got over my fear of unknown and started feeling comfortable to use my skills and not worry about those I don’t have. I’ve already mentioned, co-workers are here to support you. Through the internship, I had the chance to promote already gained and get new skills. So, don’t worry about how good you are at some field, it’s important that you’re willing to learn.“

Advice #5

Relax, they are watching because of your own good!

„Maybe it sounds like you’ll have stalkers around you, but you’ll get used to it. It’s not in a negative way, it’s a pure supervising role that can only help you and not another way round. After a while, you’ll see it’s justified and you would do the same. Relax and do your thing.“

Advice #6

Take the opportunities which are offered to you!

„I’m proud of the projects I was involved in. I saw it as s chance not only to learn but to contribute like an equal member of the team. Be innovative even if you make mistakes, we all did.“

Hope Stefan has helped you if you had any doubts about the internship. If you interesting in finding out more, feel free to contact us. Looking forward to meeting you!
Jelena Petkovic
Hello, my name is Jelena Petković. I'm a master of political science, copywriter and consultant. Writing and reading are the ways to free energy and grow capabilities for loads of things I do.
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